Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Apple introduced the i-phone today. I'm not normally influenced to run out and get the latest and greatest, but this is just blowing me away! Phone, i-pod and internet access all in one. The touch screen feature is amazing and the unit will resize the picture when you tilt it. All I can say more is check it out!


At 12:53 PM, January 10, 2007, Blogger Ferda said...

ha-ha you said unit!!

At 1:26 PM, January 10, 2007, Blogger Pollcrazy said...

In my frenzy of geekiness with a new technology being released I just had to use "unit"!

At 12:55 AM, January 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes very nice phone.

Being a long time Apple fan it is cool to see that Apple embedded OSX in the phone. This is nifty as this allows developers to create a large amount of custom apps for the IPhone.
Most other phones are running Symbian or Java OS but OSX is a better dev platform.

Apple shipped 2 Million computers last quarter so they are making a comback. I almost bought one but I went with a DELL XPS because I make my living developing on the Windows platform and all my free Software is Windows based.

Having work with Apple Engineers in Cupertino I can honestly say that they are a cool company and very very smart. They were early with the Newton (Palm got the market right). They were early with Objective-C (Java got there). They were early with N Tier development.... etc.

Steve J is right to drop the name of Computer from Apple. They are truly transforming into consumer based electronics company and I think that is a good thing for North America (diss to Sony) and to all of the people that get their hands on their Cool devices.



At 12:53 PM, January 12, 2007, Blogger iBenoit said...

Sign... a little expensive... but what a gizmo eh?

It's like a mac mini in a phone!


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