A week in the life of Joe! Jan 22-28

I was on a course last week in Mississauga for work. The course you ask? Firber Optics technician's course. We have Fiber Optic LANs aboard or bigger ships and I had no clue as to how to fix the LAN lines if they were damaged. So like I do all the time, I ask if they would send me on a fiber splicing course, they did! The course was a week long and had a blast with it,. The instructor was very good and the course was a bit of overkill, but it kept me interested.
Now for the Toronto traffic, wow, how can someone drive 45 Min each was and only get 25KM each way and do it every day? There was snow Monday and it took 1.25 hours to get there. It makes me appreciate the light traffic I have here in Brockville, not to mention that it does wonders for my road rage! While I was driving in TO, Hog town, Center of the Canadian universe the radio was tuned to 102.1 The Edge, this is the model on how all Alternative rock station should be! The have the best music and have new music all the time. One band that I heard of and you should keep and ear out for is Army of Anyone . Take the lead singer of Filter and two guys from STP, give it a listen and let them blow your mind away!
This weekend an old friend called me up that I've not hear from in years and I went over to his place for dinner. He now has four kids and the last time I saw him her had three. It is amazing to see how much they have grown. Another buddy was invited to dinner and he brought his children. Argh 7 children in one house, yup that cured my yearning to be a Father for a while!
I watched a new show this weekend called the Dresden files A Private eye warlock that solves mysterious crimes that might involve the occult. It caught my attention , but I'll give it a few more shows before I give a verdict!
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