A little acoustic Guitar, Men in Kilts and some Haute Cuisine!

It started Friday at Carlton U at Mike's place to meet Ryan, Mike and Krista for a beer and chit chat before the show!What show is that you ask? The Trews, unplugged! This is a band that I've slowly, very slowly been getting into. One of those bands that you have to listen to a few dozen times to really grow on you. Well this time they booked a hall, last time was at the Tulip Festival downpour! First we played a few games of euchre for beers, thanks Mike and Krista for being such graceful purchasers of beer when you lost! So the Trews this time around decided that an unplugged show would be the way to go! I'm not a big fan of unplugged shows, but they were going to prove me wrong this time. They played a great show and other than the bitch lady, I had a great time!
Well after the show we picked up Trish and off to Barrymore's to see the mathematics at their CD release party. A band that plays an eclectic style of music. I think the best part of that part of the night was that the band didn't have any CDs because company didn't deliver them in time. CD release party? lol
Chris' wedding Saturday night was great! I was excited to see my Brother in a kilt. How often do you get to make "skirt" jokes at your Brother's expense? Well when I arrived I was one of the few people (men) actually wearing pants! I still ribbed him about it anyway! I have to admit that the Bride and Groom looked fantastic, it almost makes me want to be in a Kilt when I get married, ok you can stop laughing now! Speaking of getting married, guess who caught the garter belt? Yup, I can add another one to the collection. Which made me realize that if according to the tradition, I should be married many times over, who knows, maybe it might happen!
Sunday, After church I was off to Merrickville to Mrs. McGarrigle's fine food shop for a cooking class. I can make a few dishes, but I wanted to up my cooking skills. So we had Ken from Chop Chop Catering to cover "brazing". This is were you take roasts or bird and cook them properly. We cooked a Chicken with Polenta and Gorgonzola. Then a Pork loin in a cider sauce with wild mushrooms and fall vegetables. I was a little disappointed that is wasn't as hands on as I would have liked, but I would compare it to watching a cooking show, except you can eat the end results! The chicken and Polenta was amazing! The Pork was ok, but I would use beef instead. I've booked another class in November and I can't wait to go!
A side note, in fantasy football. I was matched up against my Brother. I KICKED HIS ASS! Mr. I am the NFL Football king!
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