Weekend Report

Well the highlight of the first night was this woman, I use the term loosely, was after Rob and would not take no for an answer. I started with "Rob is my gay lover" and she shot back with a "Cool, I like that, can I join in?". Taste of vomit in my mouth when she finished saying that. Then she wanted to know what would I want to try and hook her up with him, ew I just felt dirty! I told her to find a nice local boy, but that just fired her up even more! Finally, I just told her he was engaged to me married, first I was surprised at how fast it made it around the bar, second she didn't believe me. She must have found a local guy after all since I didn't see her after last call. Maybe they threw her out, which would not surprise me at all! I wish I hadn't forgotten the camera the first night, you would laugh if you could see her!
After that Rob kept me up till 5 AM sucking back beers and chatting about past tales. Damm you Rob I felt like crap the next day. No, it didn't help me that I had 3 1/2 hours sleep and played Squash the next day hungover. After Squash it was back to bed, to get rested up for another night with Rob at the bar. I was dead tired, but he had the place jumping again, guess what, I was there till closing again! Damm you Rob! Well I had a blast and the best part is I have a month to rest up till the next time you and your band are back again to rock Brockvegas!