Shave Chronicles...

I'll get back to the picture after I tell you that it was above freezing today! Yes, it was 1C, phew it was a scorcher and I might have even opened the parka because it was warm! This is the first time it has been above freezing for me since May 7Th. The down side to the great weather is that I'll be going up to Resolute on Friday and according to the weather network it is a balmy -12C.
OK , why the picture of the plane. first a little history of the air route from Iqaluit to Resolute. When the mine at little Cornwallis Island was open, First Air had a 727 flying back and forth. Well when the mine closed they replaced the 727 with this, A Hawker Siddely 748. So now instead of 3 hour 15 Min flight turned into a 5+ hour flight. oh yes, it gets better! This plane's right engine would regularly catch fire and I know of two occasions when the plane had to do an emergency lading while they repaired the engine. So other that tacking on two hours flight time the thought of dying was more of a concern! Well after a few fires First Air has replaced the POS (piece of shit) with another aircraft that isn't as old as I am! The upside, other than not going down in a blaze of glory, is that they have shaved half an hour off the trip.
The best part of getting to Resolute at this time of the year. It will be light 24 hours a day!
UPDATE: Well the news today is the plane that I've been making fun of is the one that we'll be taking up to Resolute! The guy I work with up here is all worried and he has flown in many different types of aircraft many of times! I'm case I don't make it. I should make a will!
.... or lack of shaving. This trip I've decided that I will not shave for the whole 30 days that I'm up here! So far after two weeks I'm ready for a shave and another two to go! I'll admit, being the earliest that I've been up here in Iqaluit it is pretty cold and the extra hair has come in handy a few times!
I'll update this site once I get to Resolute and I can't wait to get the expression on Danielle's face when she sees my hairy creation when I get back to Ottawa!
I know it is not a huge number compared to some of the videos that get a million plus views, but to me it is impressive that my videos have been seen 10 000+ times. All the videos were taken with the Canon A75, that has been to Arctic 4 times, dropped numerous times and even had my ass grind it into the ground during touch football!)
The video that has taken the lion's share of the views is my NFL games last year in Baltimore vs the Bengals. With all the NFL fans down south and the huge one that I'm related to I'm not surprised that it has been seen that many times.
Keep posted as I will post some new videos from this years Arctic trip on You tube!
Winter is back! After a great warm weekend with Danielle, I arrived back in Iqaluit yesterday to a great sunny -7C! The soles of my boots freezing to the ground as I waited for a cab outside the airport. Why a cab, well the tech that normally works up here was away and we weren't able to tell him I'm on my way. Oh, and by the way, my supervisor tells me the Jeep is smashed and you'll have to rent a vehicle. So after I grab the Suzuki Grand Vitara and off to races I go. First order of buisness is to get my food to the apartment and get squared away.