Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Human pets!
I know that the adoption of a child who is an orphan is a great thing and can benefit both the childless couple and child. The disturbing trend that I've noticed lately has been celebrities adopting children from foreign lands. Madonna just picked up her child and Angelina Jolie has adopted a couple of children. I see this as a way to get publicity, yes it great that it draws attention to poor countries, but it also makes it very trendy to go shopping in a country that has massive poverty and buy a kid " look at me, I'm cool as Madonna and Angelina!" Didn't they call it slavery?
Joe's Notes #2
Read the whole blog before you make a comment. When you read, you don't look like an ass!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Caribou on Killinek Island
I thought that this was a good Ideal till the Caribou started coming towards me!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Joe's notes #1
When you know that you'll be sick, put the toilet seat up. It makes much less of a mess!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
A little acoustic Guitar, Men in Kilts and some Haute Cuisine!

It started Friday at Carlton U at Mike's place to meet Ryan, Mike and Krista for a beer and chit chat before the show!What show is that you ask? The Trews, unplugged! This is a band that I've slowly, very slowly been getting into. One of those bands that you have to listen to a few dozen times to really grow on you. Well this time they booked a hall, last time was at the Tulip Festival downpour! First we played a few games of euchre for beers, thanks Mike and Krista for being such graceful purchasers of beer when you lost! So the Trews this time around decided that an unplugged show would be the way to go! I'm not a big fan of unplugged shows, but they were going to prove me wrong this time. They played a great show and other than the bitch lady, I had a great time!
Well after the show we picked up Trish and off to Barrymore's to see the mathematics at their CD release party. A band that plays an eclectic style of music. I think the best part of that part of the night was that the band didn't have any CDs because company didn't deliver them in time. CD release party? lol
Chris' wedding Saturday night was great! I was excited to see my Brother in a kilt. How often do you get to make "skirt" jokes at your Brother's expense? Well when I arrived I was one of the few people (men) actually wearing pants! I still ribbed him about it anyway! I have to admit that the Bride and Groom looked fantastic, it almost makes me want to be in a Kilt when I get married, ok you can stop laughing now! Speaking of getting married, guess who caught the garter belt? Yup, I can add another one to the collection. Which made me realize that if according to the tradition, I should be married many times over, who knows, maybe it might happen!
Sunday, After church I was off to Merrickville to Mrs. McGarrigle's fine food shop for a cooking class. I can make a few dishes, but I wanted to up my cooking skills. So we had Ken from Chop Chop Catering to cover "brazing". This is were you take roasts or bird and cook them properly. We cooked a Chicken with Polenta and Gorgonzola. Then a Pork loin in a cider sauce with wild mushrooms and fall vegetables. I was a little disappointed that is wasn't as hands on as I would have liked, but I would compare it to watching a cooking show, except you can eat the end results! The chicken and Polenta was amazing! The Pork was ok, but I would use beef instead. I've booked another class in November and I can't wait to go!
A side note, in fantasy football. I was matched up against my Brother. I KICKED HIS ASS! Mr. I am the NFL Football king!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Happy Turkey Day!

The picture to the left is my Neice Bailey chowing down during dinner.
I love mt Sister-in-Law's comment that my Mother's gravy is so good that she could drink it right out of the gravy boat! Today she just did the "Gravy, Gravy, Gravy" chant like a crack addict! I'll admit that I can't duplicate the gravy and both my Brother and Sister-in-Law are Chefs and they can't copy it!
Thank you Marie, I know that you helped out Mom with the dinner. Well, I had my fill of Turkey till Xmas now!
I Love Fall!

I don't know why I like Fall so much, It could be that I've always been excite around this time of year, because ski season is just around the corner and I'm dusting off the ski boots and getting the skis ready for the season. Maybe it is the chill in the air that brings back the great childhood memories of Halloween and the candies that awaited me at the end of the month. Whatever the reason I will always cherish this time of the year and I'm sure I'll enjoy many more!
Oh and Happy Turkey Day!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Motorcycle Routes

East of Prescott on highway 2 is pretty boring as the road is staight as an arrow past Cardinal. You might as well drive on the 401!
Another route west of Brockville is the 1000 Island parkway, Great scenic route through some of the best cottage counrty along the St Lawrence river. Good road surface and gentle curves. You'll have to keep an eye out for other vehicles as there are many tourists and lots of Super sports racing up and down this strech of road! These guys and gals bring plenty of cops in the area so watch the speed. there are great places to eat in Rockport and Ganaoque is a hop, skip and jump away! If you stretch it a bit further Kingston is just 15- 20 Min more on Highway 2.
A route that I've done many times is Highway 6, North of Brockville, till I hit Highway 18, North, till I get to Kempville and the 44 the rest of the way to Ottawa. Again great scenic views, little or no trafic. lots of twists and turns. The road on 6 is good, then gets pretty bad near 18, but is great the rest of the way! The last time is was through they were tearing up the bad part. I can't wait till they are done!
A run that I've done a couple of times going to Matt's cottage, Highway 29 North. At Toledo I hit county road 1 till I get to highway 15, Good road and many curves to put a smile on a rider's face!
The Arctic trip ate up most of my Summer this year , but I look forward to blazing new paths around eastern Ontario!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Welcome to Brockvegas!

After a not so subtle hint and guilt trip I was graced with a visit from the Ryan and Vero this weekend. Lets just say that this was a long time coming! At least on Ryan's part. It was great to see them and be finally be able to show them my stomping grounds and party it up without the hour long drive to Ottawa.
I am impressed that what they did to the Brock pub! It used to be pretty run down and they good job fixing it up. It sucked that Vero misplaced her driver's license and couldn't hang out, but now I remember why I go to Ottawa on the weekends. Then it was off to the phoenix for a few laughs! It is more of a blue collar bar and always good for a few laughs! The Keystorm was dead, I guess when Rugby is done no one goes there. The o2 club was kind of dead as well. Not one of my wild nights out, but it was a taste of what Brockville has to offer.
You guys are always welcome to come down and visit!